第21建設大隊メモリアルブック 1944-1945年


104 - Map



104 - 住民の労役

Natives Help

As the Okinawan campaign went on, more and more of the 400,000 inhabitants were made homeless as cl1eir villages and farms were destroyed. The Military Government supervised the refugees as they struggled with d1eir few possessions along the roads and moved into civilian camps. We began to get groups of them in June to help on our projects. Their ragged, strange appearance was a curiosity. They were short, simple and friendly. We could converse haltingly with many signs and much pointing. Our cigarettes and clothing were good in exchange for native money, dishes, hats. Some of the women and girls worked around the galley and policed the area. The men and boys helped with much manual labor.








A few miles around the south end of the bay, to the east of Yonabaru, was Baten Ko, where the Japanese had had a pier, possibly used in loading tor-pedoes. We were assigned to build a pontoon pier sticking out from the western shore of this little harbor. Since we were also building the Yonabaru pier and expected to establish a permanent camp some-time at this end of the bay, a temporary camp was set up at the foot of the Jap pier. Work started on June 16. Pile-drivers, rigging barges, tugs, welding ma-ch ines, trucks, skagit winches, air compressors, fire pumps, pontoon barges, and propulsion units-all the usual pier-building equipment and their operators were kept busy, as the project had a high priority. It was completed by July 23. Actually, it was all done on July 17th, but two LST's rammed it so hard that it was shut down six days for repairs.

The need for a larger pier became evident as plans were made for the Baten Ko Naval Operating Base. Its shape was originally a “T." The cross- bar of the (T," the head of the pier, was extended 600 feet; a second approach was made to form a «U." Using some pontoon sections from the aban-doned Yonabaru pier, the extension was finished on the last day of August. All the time, of course, the pier was lined with barges unloading supplies. Then, on September 16, a typhoon struck hard and the pontoons were driven ashore. By the 22nd, a single-approach uT " pier was back in operation. Then, on October 8, came the worst typhoon in 20 years. Again the pier was knocked out, and again we rebuilt a “T " pier.

与那原の東、湾の南端から数マイルのところに、日本人が桟橋を持っていた馬天港がありました。私たちは、この小さな港の西岸から突き出たポンツーン桟橋を建設するように割り当てられました。与那原埠頭も建設中で、湾の端に常設キャンプを設置する予定だったため、ジャップ埠頭のふもとに仮設キャンプを設置しました。作業は6月16日に開始されました。杭打ち機、リギングバージ、タグボート、溶接機、トラック、スカジットウインチ、空気圧縮機、消防ポンプ、ポンツーンバージ、推進ユニット-すべての通常の桟橋建設設備とそのオペレーターはプロジェクトの優先度が高かったため、忙しくしていました。 7月23日までに完成しました。実際は7月17日にすべて完了しましたが、2隻のLSTが激しく突っ込んだため、修理のために6日間シャットダウンされました。

馬天港海軍基地の計画が立てられたため、より大きな桟橋の必要性が明らかになりました。その形状は元々「T」でした。桟橋の頭である(T」のクロスバーは600フィート延長され、「U」を形成するために2番目のアプローチが行われました。与那原埠頭を寄贈し、8月最終日に延長が終了しました。もちろん、埠頭には物資を降ろすはしけが並んでいましたが、9月16日には台風が激しく襲い、ポンツーンが上陸しました。 22日、シングルアプローチの「UT」埠頭が再開し、10月8日には20年ぶりの台風が発生しました。再び埠頭をノックアウトし、「T」埠頭を再建しました。






137 - Baten Camp 馬天港の基地

As more and more of our work was located around the southern end of Buckner Bay and as the fighting was over, a permanent campsite was selected on the rolling top of the 400-foot-high plateau over-looking Ba ten Ko. During the latter part of July and the f irst part of August-often through rain and mud-the men moved south slowly. The mov-ing could not interfere with our high-priority pier construction. Our camp was spread over 53 acres. To our west was the 86th battalion; to the east, the 9th bat-talion. Other Sea bee outfits were scattered over the plateau, including regimental and brigade of-fices and later the Commander of Naval Construc-tion Troops. In planning and building the camp, as much as possible of the original trees and fields and knolls were left as they were. For once we escaped a camp in neat, military rows. The living tents and other buildings were strewn all over the area-even before the typhoon.

私たちの仕事の多くがバックナー湾の南端の周りにあり、戦闘が終わったので、バテンコを見下ろす高さ400フィートの高原のなだらかな頂上に恒久的なキャンプ場が選ばれました。 7月の後半から8月の前半にかけて、多くの場合雨や泥の中を通り、男性はゆっくりと南に移動しました。移動は、優先度の高い桟橋の建設に支障をきたすことはありませんでした。私たちのキャンプは53エーカーに広がっていました。私たちの西には第86大隊がありました。東に、9番目の大隊。連隊や旅団、後に海軍建設部隊の司令官など、他の海蜂の衣装が高原に散らばっていた。キャンプの計画と建設では、元の木々や野原、丘を可能な限り残しました。かつて、私たちはきちんとした軍隊の列でキャンプを脱出しました。台風の前から、テントやその他の建物がいたるところに散らばっていました。






172 - 九月の台風





