Okinawa 1945年5月
私たちの護衛が潜水艦の音を拾ったとき、私たちはいくつかの興奮を覚えまし た 。 LSTは進路を変更し、そのうちの2隻は 混乱 の中で衝突をかろうじて回避しました。 ついに、大爆発と浮遊破片が潜水艦が沈んだことを十分に証明しました。
旅行の主な問題は、私たちが西に行き、家を出て、最初の本当の戦争に入るということでした。運賃。私たちは役員のアドバイスと警告の言葉に細心の注意を払い、 最悪、自分たちの浜辺で戦わなければならないかもしれません。
The green hills of Okinawa looked pretty and peaceful enough, but the big guns of the Navy offshore were bombarding inland, and the boom of field artillery was almost constant. Air alerts were frequent. The Japanese were throwing their full weight into their kamikaze attacks, and our fleet was taking heavy losses in ships and personnel.
On April 29th, the three LST's anchored in Chimu Wan ("wan" means bay). This was about halfway up the eastern side of the island. On shipboard, the guards were doubled at night to watch out for Japanese swimmers attempting to blow up the ships.
The next day we circled around and entered Nakagusuku Wan, around the shores of which we were destined to spend many months. Except for a few warships, the big bay was almost empty.
We had reached our target. We had come over 1,200 miles from Saipan; we were over 7,000 miles, the way we had sailed, from the States. We were only 450 miles from Shanghai, 360 miles from Japan's Kyushu island and 845 miles from Tokyo"A stone's throw from Tokyo" was the boast of the Okinawa radio station.
Okinawa Shima is about 65 miles long. It is about in the center of the Nansei Shoto or Ryukyu Retto, the chain of islands running southwesterly from the Japanese home islands to Formosa. It is the largest and most important spot in this chain, a protector of Japan's sea supply lines to southeast Asia and a selected stepping-stone for Allied advances to the north and west. As we landed on Okinawa, we knew we were taking part in a vital campaign. We didn't realize how decisive it was to be or how near to defeat Japan was.
On the first of May-exactly one month after the Okinawa battle had started our first LST began unloading on Brown Beach, the tidal flats on the northwest shore of the bay. The other two LST's beached at the same place on May 2nd. We were told that "Tokyo Rose" broadcast a welcome to 21st battalion when we landed, but we didn't care.
To unload the ships, the men had to work through water, rain, and mud. Only when the tide was low twice a day could the work go rapidly. The mobile equipment drove off to the nearby campsite near the village of Atsuta; the trucks were unloaded and returned to the ships for more cargo. Many Blackjacks found back-breaking work in floating, pushing, and rolling the oil barrels ashore. By May 4th, the unloading was finished.
船を降ろすために、男性は水、雨、そして泥の中を通り抜けなければなりませんでした。潮が1日2回低かったときだけ、仕事は急速に進むことができました。移動装置は熱田の村の近くの近くのキャンプ場に走り去りました。トラックは荷降ろしされ、より多くの貨物のために船に戻されました。多くのブラックジャックは、石油バレルを陸上に浮かせたり、押したり、転がしたりすることで、画期的な仕事を見つけました。 5月4日までに荷降ろしは終了しました。
We worried about snakes as we slept in "pup" tents pitched on hillside vegetable patches while the larger tents went up.
Sawed-off, unbridled native horses were sport until the Army took them away
As supplies piled up in the compounds, the slope started to look llke a camp
Kuba Saki Pier 久場崎桟橋
Our surveyors laid line$ for our firrl pontoon pier while our LST's were still on tho tidal flats
Th first finger of Kuba pier was used 12 days after work started.
LSM's unloaded their cargoes on May 19
The pier head was jammed with craft unloading war supplies
Except during bladouts and a ir ra ids,- Kuba pier was lit all night. A full moon pided out the anchored 1hip1.
LST's used the pier. Inside the "U," we stored piling
*1:The food was the best ever: Already to go, the convoy didn't leave Saipan until April 22nd. The voyage turned out to be the most comfortable we had had. With only about 250 men to a ship, there was plenty of room-around and under and on top of the equipment. The food was the best ever eaten aboard ship, with fried eggs almost every morning. The crews were friendly; the sea was smooth.
When our escorts picked up sounds of a submarine, we had some excitement: The escorts scurried around dropping depth charges; the LST's altered their courses, and two of them narrowly escaped a collision in the confusion. At last, a big explosion and floating debris gave proof enough that the sub had been sunk.
The chief trouble with the trip was that we were going west, going away from home, going into our first real war. fare. We paid close attention to the advice and words of warnings of our officers and were ready for the worst maybe we would have to fight out our own beach-head.